<IMG title="" style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=image_window(this); height=450 src="http://www.kupc.org/v2/data/file/m_writing/1657732226_ec8b3393_404040.JPG" width=600 name=target_resize_image[] tmp_height="480" tmp_width="640">
<P><!-- 내용 출력 --><SPAN id=writeContents style="FONT-SIZE: 12px"><FONT face=verdana color=purple size=2><BR><BR>Patti Page 찬양모음 <BR><BR><BR>What a Friend we have in Jesus <BR>(죄짐맡은 우리 구주) <BR><BR>God be with you till we meet again <BR>(우리 다시 만날 때까지) <BR><BR>Nearer, my God toThee, nearer to Thee <BR>(내 주를 가까이 하게 함은) <BR><BR>Abide with me <BR>(때 저물어 날 이미 어두니) <BR><BR>Sowing in the morning <BR>(새벽부터 우리) <BR><BR>Amazing grace how sweet the sound <BR>(나 같은 죄인 살리신) <BR><BR>On a hill fair away <BR>(갈보리산 위에) <BR><BR><BR><BR><STRONG><EMBED src=http://jagnja.tistory.com/attachment/ek050000000007.asx width=280 height=45 type=application/octet-stream wmode="transparent" loop="-1"></STRONG></SPAN> </FONT></P>